Price Kong Internship Program
An internship at a reputable accounting firm is an integral part of your learning experience. Choose a firm that will recognize you as an individual while providing hands-on training and real world experience.
Inclusion. Integration. Immersion.
Price Kong recognizes that the competition for accounting professionals is fierce, and that the accounting students of today are the firm’s future leaders. An internship with Price Kong is not only about gaining hands on tax, audit, and accounting experience. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the firm and all it has to offer, from training and teambuilding, to mentoring and collaboration. Once you step through our doors, you become a valued member of the Price Kong team with the ability to make a difference. Our goal is to ensure you complete your intership with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful accounting career, and a desire to come back after graduation to join our firm full-time.

I want to thank the Price Kong staff and my audit team members for making this an enjoyable experience. I enjoyed having the exposure to work hands-on at various parts in the audit cycle, and learning numerous audit concepts and procedures for the first time.
Thank you to all of the staff, managers, and partners who were endlessly welcoming and immensely forthcoming with their immeasurable knowledge. I appreciate you being there to aid me through my uncertainties and giving me a space to grow and learn.
Why did you accept an internship at Price Kong?
SAMUEL: I accepted an internship at Price Kong because I wanted to increase my knowledge of the audit service line and the accounting practice. In addition, I wanted to compare the experiences between a Big 4 firm and non-Big 4 firm.
MOYRA: I wanted to start at a smaller local firm to learn more about the tax and audit fields to see if it was really the career I wanted to pursue. I knew I would be able to learn the fundamentals of tax preparation at a quick but steady pace and have the space to learn a lot.
What is the best advice you received during your internship at Price Kong?
SAMUEL: The best piece of advice I received during my internship at Price Kong was to choose what you are really passionate about. My audit manager and I had a conversation comparing the Big 4 firms and non-Big 4 firms. Each firm has their perks. Big 4 firms have the prestige and reputation. Non-Big 4 firms have a better work-life balance and allow auditors starting their careers to see an entire audit engagement from start to finish, while at Big 4 firms your work is more focused on a couple of sections.
MOYRA: I received a lot of advice from staff, managers, and partners. I was advised to always be aware of the details and be conscious of the time, as well as tips about the industry. But the best piece of advice I was told was to take advantage of all of the opportunities awarded to me. I am fortunate enough to have worked with a firm who had people from all walks of life and had plenty of priceless experiences and lessons to share with me. When I was uncertain of my educational and career paths, I was able to gain insight to what these professionals did to get where they are now. Their journeys helped me plan my own.
What did you learn about Price Kong that you didn't know before your internship?
SAMUEL: I learned that Price Kong serves a wide variety of clients and industries. In addition, I got to see a more in-depth focus of the firm’s work with the cannabis industry.
MOYRA: I did not know the type of clients that I would be working on. I thought I would be mostly working on really simple returns but I was working on complex individuals with schedule Cs or multiple K1s. It really opened my eyes to the type of work accountants actually do. It also made me realize that even smaller local firms still handle pretty big clients from all over the US.
What steps were taken to help you feel integrated with the firm?
SAMUEL: Given the COVID-19 Pandemic, I had to start my internship online. Steps were taken by the audit team members to introduce themselves to me, and help me become familiar with the audit software. In April, when employees were encouraged to work in the office, my audit team members would take me out for lunch. Also, my audit team members helped introduce me to others working in the firm.
MOYRA: From the beginning, everyone stopped by the office to introduce themselves and made sure I knew where to find them if I had any questions. After that, I felt really comfortable talking with everyone about any questions I had, or even if I wanted to pick their brains. I was invited to a few lunches with everyone to solidify my place within the firm and get to know everyone better.
What training and support did you receive during your internship?
SAMUEL: I met with the internship supervisor to discuss how my internship experience was going at the firm. My audit team members were helpful in training and teaching me new tasks that I had to learn in order to complete my work.
MOYRA: The tax work does not have a set instruction booklet but on our first day, we were able to enter a mock return to get familiar with the systems and software that PK uses. Nicole made a user guide for the software as well. If we ever had any questions, everyone we asked was more than willing to answer them.
Describe any new skills, knowledge, and experience you gained during your internship?
MOYRA: Working at Price, Kong was my first look into what my career could look like. Here I learned what tax professionals actually did day to day and I learned how to take my first steps into the accounting world. I still have a lot to learn but the input skills I’ve cultivated, learning and knowing how to talk to managers and partners, and the real world office experience has allowed my foundation to be strong.
What advice would you give other students considering an internship at Price Kong?
SAMUEL: I would tell other students to definitely consider Price Kong when considering an internship. It is a great place to work and learn. You have the opportunity to learn from audit team members. There is a wide number of industries and engagements that you are exposed to. From my time at Price Kong, I completed a task for 25 audit engagements. You get to see the entire audit cycle from start to finish, which is helpful in learning what audit is all about. Also, there are catered meals during busy season, which is a huge plus.
MOYRA: Don’t get too caught up in the buzz surrounding the Big 4 or other international firms. The community at small firms is often times tighter and you will be able to be in close contact to all of the levels of management. Compared to any of the Big 4 where you might only be able to ask your direct manager or staff questions, Price Kong allowed me to see each step of the process.
How would you describe Price Kong’s culture?
SAMUEL: I would describe Price Kong’s culture as friendly, team oriented, and hardworking. My audit team members were helpful in answering my questions.
MOYRA: I would describe PK’s culture as open, inviting, helpful, and somewhere where everyone is willing to help everyone grow. No one is too caught up in their own workload to the point where they would not be willing to help someone else if they need it. If all of the staff were busy then I felt comfortable enough to ask the managers for help. If all of the managers were ever too busy then I knew I could go to the partners for help.
Overall, what did you enjoy most about your internship at Price Kong?
SAMUEL: Overall, I enjoyed working with my audit team members, and becoming secure in knowing that I would like to start my career as an auditor. I had uncertainty about whether I wanted to start off in audit or tax; however, this experience allowed me to see that I liked audit and the different opportunities that the industry offers.
MOYRA: The thing that I enjoyed most about my time with PK is definitely the people. You can prepare taxes with anyone at any firm of any size but the people at PK are the nicest, friendliest, most helpful people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. If I ever was having an issue on a particularly difficult return or even something in my personal life, I knew I could always ask for help.
Additional comments?
SAMUEL: Thank you to all the Price Kong staff for making my experience enjoyable!
MOYRA: It was funny to me when the staff would come into my office and ask me to scan, input, or file something and then apologize for asking me to do it. My job as an intern was to do whatever was needed of me whenever they needed it so I always let them know that there was no reason to apologize; it was in my job description to help them in whatever they needed. If that doesn’t say something about the level that they respect everyone’s time, even the intern’s, then I don’t know what does.
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