Transaction Services

Transaction Services

In over 50 years of client service, we have assisted in 1,000s of transactions, and we would love the opportunity to help with yours. Whether you are the buyer, seller, or other party in a transaction, we will be with you from beginning to end to ensure your interests are met at close. In addition to the vast in-house expertise, we also have one of the largest professional service networks in Arizona, including lawyers, actuaries, brokers, and bankers. Regardless of the size and/or complexity of your transaction, we can help.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Are others noticing your great company? If so, “M&A” will be top-of-mind soon if it isn’t already. Having an experienced M&A advisor can make all the difference. We can provide honest, relevant, and impartial advice based on the facts and circumstances we review. We involve accounting, tax, and valuation experts within our firm in the due diligence process to ensure you have the best possible data and information to make your important decision.

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Exit Strategy and Succession Planning

Right now, you may feel like you can work forever, but you may feel differently in five, ten, or 15 years; then what? Who will take over? Who might you have to deal with when a partner retires or passes? We can plan and design an exit strategy for you that meets an agreed upon outcome. We know the proper steps toward a transition and how to get the full value of your business. With our proper planning and advice, you can capture and retain the wealth you have generated within your business.

Post-Acquisition Matters and Purchase Accounting

What happens after the acquisition close parties and celebrations? What will the balance sheet look like post-acquisition? What do you need to disclose about the transaction to investors and/or lenders? Even if we were not involved during the transaction we can still help. There is much to do post-acquisition to get the accounting correct and the systems integrated, and we are ready to get it done for you.

Significant business transactions happen every day and our focus is to ensure they are handled efficiently and in your best interest. In addition to the above services, contact us for help with any of the following transaction matters:

  • Restructure & turnaround
  • Business financing
  • Carve-out financial statements
  • Risk management
  • Business and intangible valuations
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For more information on how Price Kong can assist you